Potbury's Funeral Service
By The Editor
Posted: Tuesday, 30th June 2020 8:48 am

We provide a discreet and professional service which offers you personal and practical assistance. In all matters regarding funeral arrangements we will, if you require, accept complete responsibility.
Polite Notice to all visitors - COVID-19
During the outbreak on Coronavirus, we will endeavour to keep our office fully staffed where possible during normal office hours. Whilst we remain open, the entrance door will be locked. If you wish to speak to a member of our staff or wish to make any arrangements, please call 01395 513355 (Or simply knock on the door).
We kindly request that all visitors ensure that they have followed Public Health guidelines to help reduce the spread of the virus.
Thank you for your full cooperation.
We are now 'downsizing' existing funerals, East Devon Crematorium and Exeter and Devon Crematorium are still operating for the foreseeable future allowing only a small limited number of people to attend funerals though most people (friends not family) are choosing to stay away or just be outside to see the coffin carried in.
Church services at the moment can be held but with only 5 in attendance. There would be no organist or verger in attendance. When this is all over a Thanksgiving Service can be arranged.
Please stay safe and look after yourselves and each other.