Charlotte's Army take on 'Captain Tom 100 Challenge'

Angie and Steve Reid are the parents of a lovely 21-year-old called Charlotte Reid - more about her later.
Last year, along with so many others, they were inspired by Sir Captain Tom and the challenge he set himself to walk 100 lengths of his front garden. During these dark and anxious times, it was clear how he lifted people's spirits and the sum of money he rose was awe-inspiring. As we all went into lockdown, the fundraising event they had been organising for Brain Tumour Research, Wear A Hat Day, had to stop and they were so disappointed, especially as they were also aware of how the money was drying up for smaller charities. Angie remembers thinking every charity needs a Captain Tom.
The Reids were overjoyed when Sir Captain Tom's family released their idea of the 100 challenge at the beginning of April 2021, allowing anyone who wished to support their own charity to use his name to raise money by doing something/anything 100 times.
Angie, who works for Devon and Cornwall Police, did a little research about what they could do; after reading about Sir Captain Tom they became aware of how much he liked the seaside and that is how they became inspired to follow, literally, in his footsteps. They decided they would walk 100 lengths as well, but not of their front garden but along Sidmouth sea front.
Since they published their challenge on JustGiving they have been doing many practice sessions along the prom and have been overwhelmed by the support people have offered including wanting to join them on their walk, assisting with collections, wearing fancy dress, making donations and even a lady who is going to play the saxophone from one end of the prom whilst they walk.
Angie and Steve have established that 100 lengths of the seafront will be 40 miles in total. They are going to start the challenge on Thursday 29th April and continue up to and including Monday 3rd May (averaging 20 laps per day – 8 miles) this should take them about 3 hours each day. Due to Charlotte's limited mobility they will be pushing her in her wheelchair.
Charlotte was diagnosed with a rare benign brain tumour nearly six years ago, and although it is benign, the necessary treatment has had a significant effect on her. She is now severely visually impaired, has a severe short-term memory problem, needs to use a wheelchair most of the time we are outside due to mobility, and suffers with many medical problems including epilepsy. This has been devastating for the family, Charlotte was a normal teenager until she was 15, enjoying ballet and the normal teenager pursuits. Despite this, they have remained optimistic and have adapted, as best as they can, to a new normal. Charlotte is a happy young lady and although she is now very limited in her abilities, she has remained upbeat, friendly and a pleasure to be around.
Following Charlotte's diagnosis, Angie and Steve did what all parents do and researched brain tumours, only to discover there is no cure to this devastating disease. They had to do something, so for five years they have been fundraising for Brain Tumour Research and with help from friends have raised £30,673.22. The family also started a Facebook page that has over 4,000 followers, this page has featured Charlotte's journey since diagnosis and has been a source of encouragement and featured much kindness from others.
So please give Angie, Steve and Charlotte a wave of encouragement if you see them, it will be much appreciated. They are really hoping that the town will get behind them and make it a colourful, enjoyable challenge.
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